Saturday, November 13, 2010

A dinner invitation

It's one thing to start a blog on a topic you are well versed in. It's an entirely different matter to begin a blog on a topic that is not your expertise. But the latter is exactly my case. And here we are.

I suppose the proper place to begin is with an introduction to both myself and this new blog in which you have happened upon. My name is Georgeanne and I am a twenty-something gal, married to my sweet-as-pie husband Lane. We reside in the creative capital of Austin, Texas with our two children (of the dachshund variety- no humans quite yet!). I am an advertising executive by trade and have a healthy obsession for both high fashion and food. And, as you may have guessed, this love for food is the source of inspiration behind this blog.

I've chosen to embark on a culinary adventure to find the perfect bite. A quest, if you will. And I'd greatly appreciate your company on this journey. The deal is this: I promise to write about the new restaurants and recipes I try, but you must in turn read and comment with your own opinions on each matter. For what is a good quest without companions to experience the adventure with?

So thank you for reading and sharing in this with me. Without further adieu, let us tuck our napkins in, salute our spoons and let the feasting commence!